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Water Modelling-Water Models-Without Development

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Description The Without Development Model is a hydrological model of a river system without any representation of water infrastructure (e.g. storages, weirs), water extraction, water management and operating rules in the system. It includes runoff for headwater catchments, local runoff of residual catchments, flow routing along river reaches, and transmissions losses. The Without development model is derived from the full model of the system, which is calibrated using observed data. Note: Source softwar
S3 object key
Data Custodian NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Point of Contact
Access Rights Open
Security Classification UNOFFICIAL
Date Modified 2024-02-26T12:45:21.519275
Access URL
Sensitive Data
File size
Legal Authority
Publisher NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Keyword WATER,WATER-Surface
Resource Type Dataset
Temporal coverage from 1889-01-01
Temporal coverage to
Update Frequency Irregular
Publish Date 2023-11-27
Purpose Water Modelling and Analysis
Location non_geospatial
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Data Status
Data Source
Spatial Coverage
harvest_object_id aa1ea3f1-b4fb-4497-9732-7680ac5aa622
harvest_source_id 9e7470f6-c547-4e3b-b9d6-4004873c315c
harvest_source_title seed-harvester
syndicated_id b3e444fa-cc40-41b2-9ffa-c9b81b0ae19b