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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
7 text
Family text
Species text
Identification number text
1USBSNA text
1USBCOU text
1USBEDG text
1USBLIT text
1DSBEDG text
1DSBPOL text
1DSBSNA text
1USGSNA text
1USGEDG text
1USGROO text
2USBCOU text
2USBEDG1 text
2USBEDG2 text
2DSBEDG1 text
2DSBEDG2 text
2BULEDG1 text
2BULEDG2 text
2BULLIG text
2BULCAN text
2BAREDG text
2USGROO text
2USGEDG text
Count if >0 text
SUM text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated May 30, 2024
Metadata last updated June 14, 2024
Created May 30, 2024
Format XLS
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
csrf tokenImU2MTZhZGMzYjkzNGRlMTc5YjIzNjI3MGE4MTgwMjFiMmQ4NmMyMTci.ZlfQaQ.9a97rBFjrLEfGg8QzcMgKjFbrjY
Ckan url
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Has viewsTrue
Ignore hashFalse
Mint handleFalse
Original url
Package idc99f5937-cb05-4c7b-8b3a-796ca399c0e9
Resource id1e357dd8-a94a-4379-9356-44b849a394b9
Set url typeFalse
Size270.5 KiB
Task created2024-06-14 09:33:03.257847